  Social Responsibility  

    Supplier Diversity Activities 
     In all our operations, we seek to do business with diverse companies and are committed to giving them equal and impartial opportunity. This approach stimulates local economic development and enhances our long-term business performance by improving supplier responsiveness, competition and sustainability.

    Internally, we recognize supplier diversity through our Supplier Diversity Leadership Awards program, which recognizes individuals, teams and business units who demonstrate superior leadership in promoting global supplier diversity.
The company is committed to developing supplier diversity worldwide. Currently, each business unit outside the United States has its own program in place. To leverage corporate synergies and provide program consistency, ConocoPhillips is reviewing an expansion of the U.S. program to all of its worldwide businesses. 

    Sustainable Procurement Activities
Our global procurement services (GPS) group is contributing to our nine sustainable development commitments through strategic sourcing, inventory management, our Procure to Pay process, our contract system, recycling and reclamation, and improved energy and material efficiency programs. We are developing a GPS sustainable development position that will drive sustainable purchasing; this position will be communicated with internal stakeholders and suppliers. Finally, we are looking at tools to help these groups more easily consider and integrate sustainable development metrics in conducting their purchases and in evaluating our supply chains.




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